Weekend fun!

My weekend started off with some BYU football on Friday night thanks to our good friend Emily! She offered us two tickets and even gave us some of her delicious banana bread! Gah... so nice... Andddd, Justin's friend, who lives right next to the stadium, let us park on his driveway! We were saying how nice everybody was for like 10 minutes... and we feel so lucky to have so many good people in our lives... Seriously... We've got some giving back to do heh

BYU making a comeback was just the cherry on top!

This was the second BYU football game I've been to as a fan. The last two years, I was up in the press box eating delicious Tucanos hahaha But both times were also with Justin! The first was before we started dating and that was a fun fun night. There was a guy trying to sell hot chocolate and he was saying ridiculous things like, "Buy a $7 hot chocolate and get the cup for free!" I DIED lol It's one of those "you had to be there" moments. I think Justin was getting embarrassed of me because I was laughing so hard that night... 

Saturdayyyy... Justin spent most of his day studying while I went to do some laundry, grocery shopping, and cooking lol Then at night, we went to play some basketball, which we haven't done in weeks, and then surprised Yeeyoung on his birthdayy~
I tried to make pad thai for the second time in my life... and it was good for like 5 seconds, and then the saltiness hit and yeah... Aside from the saltiness... I must admit, it wasn't bad at all~ lol Now I know what to do the next time I make it! Less fish sauce!
Sunday was one of the most relaxing Sundays we've had in a while~ We got to sleep in because church was at 1pm heh I still like 9:30am church better. Anyway, we came home, Justin made his beyond delicious chicken teriyaki and just relaxed the rest of the night! 

And that was my weekend. 
The perfect type of weekend :)


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