Elderly people, bug bites, and tan lines

When we went to the gym on Thursday it was in the middle of the day so there weren't a lot of people, and a lot of them were elderly men. Justin, Aaron, and I were just working out and this grandpa came up to us and said, "There are seven thorns and one rose in this room." Or something like that. Seven guys and one girl. ME! Hahaha It just made us laugh and made my day. I love old people. I'm going to be the coolest grandma when I grow up! Hahah And what's a gym session without a gym selfie :p
In other news... recently, the mosquitos around here have been hungry for blood. Even mine! And that's surprising because I rarely get bit. I have five bites right now that I can think of off the top of my head. Including one on my bum. That's like how many I had the last two years combined!
It's been a lot worse for my friends because mosquitos really love their blood. Plus, apparently the west nile virus is going around, so that's probably not good either...

Saving the best for last. On Saturday, we had a ward service activity at this park pulling out weeds for two hours. In the sun. And I'm pale. So having my back to the sun for all that time was probably not the best idea. 
Along with some bug bites, do you see the line across the back of my legs? Yeah, that's not a shadow. That's a tan! Not sure how I'm gonna even up that one... Lesson learned. 


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