#LIGHTtheWORLD: Dec. 3 Jesus Helped Others to See and So Can You

My dear husband, best friend, eternal companion... my rock...
Even if you didn't know, I knew I'd marry you before we even started dating hahaha
You may never admit it to yourself, but you do more than you can ever imagine.
The reason why we've never really fought is because of this guy!
It's impossible to raise your voice at him... but that's beside the point.
He works so hard, not only for himself, but for us.
He's going to school full-time, working in an ER, studying for the MCAT, volunteering... it really is endless. On top of all that, he gets up in the middle of the night to help with Leah.
I'd be lying if I said I'm enjoying him doing all this, because it takes up all his time!
If I could have him home all day, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

How else do I know he's a much better human than me?
Even before we started dating, never have I ever heard anybody say anything bad about him. EVER. 
You won't find a more trustworthy, loyal, kind person than him.
Not biased or anything... heh

Lately, everything I've been posting has been about Leah.
It seems like all I care about is Leah, but there is no one I love more or care about more than Justin. Sorry Leah. haha
Writing this post might not mean much, but I hope it helps you see how amazing you really are, my dear husband! <3


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