Versatile Blogger Award!
First of all, thank you Alice for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award!
She's a wife of a medical student, and soon that'll be me! I love reading about the things that go on in her life, and to know that there is someone that I personally know that I can relate to is awesomeee :)
About the award:
If you're nominated, you should:
- Thank the person who gave you this award and include a link to his/her blog.
- Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered and/or follow regularly.
- Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award, including a link to the original VBA site.
- Notify your nominations!
- Finally, don't forget to tell the person who nominated you seven things about yourself.
I honestly don't follow 15 blogs, but there are a few that I follow regularly and love!
- Alice -
(I'm probably not allowed to nominate the person that nominated me, but I really do love her blog and follow it regularly haha) - Sarah -
- Marsa -
- Taza -
Seven Things About Me:
Seven Things About Me:
- I love all things sports! I love to play, watch, write, read, listen, etc. about sports! Mainly basketball and volleyball, but football is a thing now, too, because of Justin haha
- I have three brothers and three brothers-in-law, and I love all of them! How funny is it that I'm from a family with only boys and I married into a family of four boys! Since Eugene got married, I now have a sister-in-law, Jeongyeon unni!, and she's da bestt! I can't wait to have two more sisters-in-law in the future heh
- I am a chips-aholic. I literally have to prevent myself from going down the chips aisle of every store because I can rarely resist a good sale on chips...
- I don't know if I love working out, but I love the feeling after a good workout. During the less-than-two-months of working, I completely stopped working out. I felt disgusting, the muscle I had all disappeared and turned into fat. But I've been going every day again starting this week and I'm sore as heck, but I feel much better.
- I would much rather vacuum a whole house than take 10 seconds to take out the trash. Don't ask why. I just don't like taking out the trash lol
- I try not to show it, but I get jealous of people very easily... It's very bad and I'm trying to stop, but it's hard not to compare myself to other people who have so much ambition and seem to be doing so well in life! That was a sad fact, but I'm one of the happiest people I know hahah
- I would like to think that I'm a very loyal person to my family. I don't care what they did or how stupid they acted, if you say something bad about my family, then I get very defensive. Mostly just in my head though.
Thank you to those anonymous people that visit my blog once in a while!
Happy Blogging! :D
No.6! That's me too!!