The "you had to be there" moments

Small moments always outweigh the big moments. At least for me.

When I reminisce, I always remember the times that brought me the greatest joy and laughter. The times I've laughed the hardest always happens when I'm with the people I love. It gives you no warning. It can happen at home or even in the car on a short drive.

I say that because I had one of those moments over the weekend. On Friday night, Justin, Aaron, and I decided to get KFC, because I don't give a hoot about my weight. That's one of the biggest lies I've told. Anyway, we went back to Justin's apartment to eat. Then, randomly... somebody (I won't name names because I don't want to embarass anyone) caused like a 2.0 earthquake. I won't say how, but he did (I narrowed the choices down to two ;p). And that's how we all died laughing. Food in my mouth, tears, no air, the whole shabang.

It's really those moments when I can't breathe from laughing so hard that are the greatest!
Am I crazy??? 

Just a few of those small moments.
As you can see, Kyugene is a popular pick.


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