"I believe that no concern of ours is too small or insignificant."

Never a moment not to be grateful.

I've always been a big believer in "everything happens for a reason"—big or small. I know I've been extremely blessed in my life—deserving or undeserving— and I think I'm continuing to learn to be truly grateful for every little thing that comes my way.

After listening to a testimony that was shared on Sunday, I was given a new way to look at how involved the Lord is in my life. More than once we'll receive promptings to do something—take certain classes, make a left instead of a right turn, check on the baby in the crib—the list goes on and on. And sometimes, we'll realize why we got that prompting, but other times we won't. 

We'll always be grateful when it's revealed to us why we received a prompting, especially if it saved our life, but I think we often forget to be grateful when it's not revealed to us. It's easy to move on and not think about, but if you take a moment to think about the Lord's hands in our lives, our gratitude for Him will be that much greater. He knows every single detail in our lives and, in my opinion, it's really not coincidence or luck when something "coincidentally" happens. 

To be honest, it's easy for me to say these things because, like I've been saying, I am blessed beyond belief. I'm just sitting here waiting for a really hard trial to enter my life, because I feel a little left out haha But not only am I blessed with a wonderful life, but I'm also blessed with the little knowledge I have to know that everything will be more than all right. 

This life is definitely not made to be easy. We're supposed to learn and grow and there's probably no better way to do that than to go through challenges. I think we're so imperfect that if we were to never experience trials, we would never learn. Heck, even when I go through challenges, I make the same mistakes and don't learn. But I think I'm a little more imperfect than others, so it makes sense. 

My point is... Heavenly Father's plan is perfect. He loves us and cares for us beyond our understanding. Just like our earthly parents, He'll let us make mistakes only so we can learn over and over again. However, that doesn't mean He'll leave us. He's always there for us and has given us the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, only if we're willing to keep it with us.

Let's remember to be grateful by word and deed. Thank Him in your prayers and by serving others. Something I really x1000 need to do. 


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