Leah: 11 Months

I'm not ready for this!!!
Only one more month and she's 1?!?!?!??!

Baby is OFFICIALLY sleeping through the night!!
She started just sleeping from 6-6 early last month!
Yes... it's an early wake-up time... and I'm still trying to get used to it... BUT we've also been trying to go to sleep earlier, too haha

And I'm also going to say, she has officially said her FIRST WORD!
hahaha one day, I randomly said "wow wow wow" and she copied!
So whenever she feels like it, if I say that, she'll said "wow wow wow" lol
Sometimes it also sounds like she says "thank you" but not 100% sure
When she's feeling whiny, it'll sound like she's saying "umma" and "dadadadas" when she's in a good mood... not sure how I feel about that...

She's still taking three naps a day!
Sometimes two... haha And they're not the greatest naps either, but yeah.
As of late, she's been trying to avoid being put down in her crib, so when I give her the binky, she grabs it and chucks it on the floor.
Seriously... where did she get her sass from?!

I thought she'd get her new teeth by now, but nothing yet~
Recently, she's been a little extra whiny, and sometimes a little extra drooly... so if she's teething, I'm hoping those teeth come out soon!

Stranger danger update.
She still has a little bit of it, but not nearly as bad.
She'll warm up to people a lot faster and start smiling at them, but still doesn't want to be held by them (aka only mom & dad can hold her) lol
You can look, but don't touch! haha

Still not crawling... and not walking yet. BUT, she's walking along everything, including just walls.
She likes to hold onto things, so if I try to have her stand on her own, she'll get mad hahaha
Along with walking along the walls, she used to touch the outlets and chords, etc, but now she knows when I say "uh oh," it means don't touch.
So she doesn't touch outlets and chords anymore! For now at least.
Smart baby... hahaha

She's gotten so much pickier with food! D:
She loves loves loves fruits... and jook... and mac&cheese.
BUT, if she doesn't want something, she'll turn her head away from the food... OR... once she realizes it's not what she wants, she'll spit the food back out... ugh.

When we went to Arizona last month, she went swimming for the first time and LOVED IT!
She must be a water baby now haha

New tricks! LOL
She does "king kong"... so flippin' cute.
And she winks! As in, blinks both eyes hahah
When we try to get her to do these things in front of people and she doesn't do any of them...
Clicking her tongue is almost a guarantee hahaha

Her chunky legs are slowly getting less chunky T.T
She's getting taller and it makes me sad hahaha

How is she already turning one next month....
my goodness...


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