Look at yourself first

Before you blame anyone else for something you think they did wrong, look at yourself, first.

I think too many times, especially for me, we blame others for something they did "wrong." If I'm mad, sad, or annoyed at someone, I blame them for my feelings. But really, no one has more control over our own feelings than ourself. 

It's when we get angry that we think our most hateful thoughts. It's when we're angry, prideful, and envious that we lose the spirit and peace in our lives. 

So let go of that pride, greed, envy, or whatever else it is. How minor this situation will be when you look back on it a week, a month, or a year later. 

Like I said in my last post, I struggle to have that kindness in my heart all the time. Things annoy me whether it's that time of month or not. But know that our Savior's sacrifice is here for that very purpose. We'll be forgiven for our imperfections as long as you're wanting to be better. 

The Atonement is such a beautiful blessing to have. Don't take it for granted. 

"Because they forget their identity and their purpose. Heartaches will come... Be patient with yourself. Perfection comes, not in this life, but the next life... Demand yourself improvement."
 - Elder Russell M. Nelson


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