We are pregnant again!!
Or, I guess I'M pregnant again haha
I just want to begin by saying, I'm excited and happy.
However, I also feel anxious as I'm writing this because I haven't had a doctor's appointment yet, so I haven't heard a heartbeat and all that good stuff!
I'm sure it'll hit me more once I go to the doctors, but as of now, I do feel anxious.
I also feel nauseated all day, tired, etc.
It's A LOT like my pregnancy with Leah, in some ways better and in some ways worse.
Worse because I can't really catch a break with Leah running around and wanting to take her out to let her have fun, etc. Whereas when I was first pregnant with her, I was lounging around whenever I wanted, I slept however long I wanted, etc.
But it's also better because of Leah haha Ironic, huh.
Because I have to take care of her, feed her, play with her, it forces me to do things, not wallow in my sorrows, and not be lazy lol
Have to make food, do dishes, play with her, etc.
Because of this, I also feel like I'm in a better place mentally than my first pregnancy.
I'm currently about 9 weeks, and I will be seeing the doctor in about 1.5 weeks.
Some days are better than others.
I'm not sure if it's the winter or the pregnancy, but since I was in my 1st trimester the first time around, I can't really compare much.
They're very similar, in that I feel down in the dumps here and there.
I blame it on the cold, wintery, gloomy days, but I'm not sure if being in my 1st trimester has anything to do with it either. I'm sure it does haha
WOW... it's been a while hahaha
I guess that first trimester laziness got to me and I never updated this post.
Just a quick catch up on my first trimester...
As I said, I was nauseated all day, which in turn made me want to spit all the time.
I had a few "cravings" but nothing that lasted.
Things like orange juice, sour candy, hot cheetos fries, sushi.
But again, none of those lasted. It was more of a one time thing haha
I'm 100% sure I've used the dishwasher more than I have in my whole entire life combined, during this pregnancy so far.
I'm not sure how I did the dishes during Leah's pregnancy seeing that we didn't have a dishwasher back then lol... but I do remember feeling like I had a very successful day if the ONLY thing I did all day was wash the dishes hahaha
I'm not much of a nap-during-the-day kind of person, but I've had my fair share of those.
Never on purpose though.
The whole peeing all the time... yeah... it sucks.
I used to always wake up once during the night to pee, sometimes I would try and hold it in as long as possible (which I don't recommend, because you're gonna end up waking up again later to go again), but nowadays, I usually sleep through the night without having to pee.
We went to my 1st doctors appointment just a little over a month ago and heard the baby's heartbeat!
It was so relieving, for obvious reasons, but it made me a little more excited haha
I also had to take amoxicillin, which is an antibiotic, because I had to get rid of a bacteria they found during my urine test. Took the whole dose, thought I was good to go. NOPE!!!
A few days after I finished the prescription, I started getting these little red dots on my hands and feet, which turned into a crazy rash all over my body.
I'm talking ALL OVER. Head to toe.
At first I thought it just looked bad and wasn't doing much harm.
It started itching and tingling, and for about 4 nights, I could not sleep.
In those 4 nights, I think I totaled 10-12 hours of sleep because it was keeping me up.
Some moms may know what I'm talking about when I say, I wasn't looking forward to sleeping because it wasn't going to be a restful one, but that's how I felt those few nights.
It drove me crazy...
After enduring those incredibly uncomfortable nights, Justin gave me a blessing and miraculously, that night, I wasn't bothered by my skin at all. And the night after, I slept like a little baby.
As far as the physical stuff.
I've gained about 5 lbs so far, which looks more like 10 lbs because of how freaking big my "bump" looks... but... yeah.
I already feel huge and need to keep a pillow under my belly when I'm on my side because it's so uncomfortable already.
I would guess I was about this current size when I was about 20 weeks with Leah.
I'm only 16 weeks right now... so that should tell you something lol...
One thing that's different from Leah's pregnancy is that every now and then, I want to eat something really really spicy. At least spicy enough that it's out of my normal.
Regular hot cheetos aren't a bit spicy to me right now, so today, I bought the xxtra spicy hot cheetos and it tastes sooooo goooood hahahaha spicy, but goooood~
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15 weeks! |
How bad am I at just sitting down and finishing this post?! hahahha
I'm currently 17 weeks (almost 18), and I don't have any other crazy symptoms.
I still get nauseated once in a while, but I'm good most of the time.
The belly is just growing and growing, putting on a couple more pounds.
Not exercising.... which I really really should.
We find out the gender in a couple weeks and I'm so excited!!
I was definitely A LOT more curious with Leah, so curious that we paid money to find out the gender instead of waiting for our anatomy scan just a couple weeks after hahahha
I've been thinking this whole pregnancy that the baby is a boy... BUT... I'm not as confident as I was about Leah being a girl haha
That's pretty much the update for now, but I just want to say...
Justin has picked up every bit of my slack and I can't thank him enough for it haha
He's finishing up his last semester before dental school (bittersweet), and when he's home, he will be playing with Leah 99% of the time so I could take a break.
He will do the dishes, clean the apartment, and woke up so many mornings with Leah when I didn't.
Definitely survived that first trimester because of him :)
Hopefully I will update this blog more often!
Until then, byeeee :)
With the help of a man called Dr.Ogbodo I was able to get pregnant. I'm 56years of age, it was really difficult for me to pregnant though my husband loves me but it was really hurting me not having my own child but after many years I came across Dr.Ogbodo whose email address is ( ) or you reach him direct on his cell phone number +2347050270227 he told me he is going to send me a Herbs for me to drink, and will fall pregnant a week after drinking the Herbs I'm 8months pregnant now and also I will like to advice everyone looking for help to get pregnant to contact this very man via his email address at ( ) or call him on his cell phone number +2347050270227.