Leah: 3 Months
Another month has come and passed
And she has yet to sleep through the night... LOL
And again... here I am on Instagram seeing moms post about their ONE-month old babies sleeping through the night... WHAT THE HECK... I must be doing something wrong...
She had about a week stretch when she would sleep 4-hour stretches...
I was getting so hopeful her sleeping through the night, at least once!, was coming close...
but that's long gone, out the window!!!
Now it's back to 2-3 hour stretches.
On the bright side... 90% of the time, she goes back to sleep after being fed
And.. I guess she's cuuute

You know... one thing I really regret not doing is... not taking newborn pictures...
I always read articles telling new moms to take newborn pictures!!!
But there I was... at home... not doing anything... and still didn't take any...
Don't get me wrong.. we have tons of pictures of her, but no professional ones, ya know?!
I think part of me was a fear of taking her out...
Anyway... what's done is done!
These days, Leah smiles a lot more and talks a lot more!
Sometimes it sounds like she's saying "hello"
Her smiles are the cutestt! Her eyes disappear and her gummy smiles appear
She can almost never sleep without her binky... sighhh..
But a funny trick she's trying to work on is trying to put the binky back in her mouth after dropping it... which is actually pretty hilarious to watch LOL
But a funny trick she's trying to work on is trying to put the binky back in her mouth after dropping it... which is actually pretty hilarious to watch LOL
She still likes to be held, but she can definitely fall asleep (even if it's for 10 minutes) on her own if I put her in her crib with the binky.
She's so much more aware of things than before.
She was making eye contact long ago, but she just seems even more aware, if that makes sense.
When she sees a camera/phone pointed at her, she looks directly into the lens.
Her tummy might not like it when I eat dairy... but I really hope that's not the case!
I love my cheese...
Her tummy might not like it when I eat dairy... but I really hope that's not the case!
I love my cheese...
She moved to size 1 diapers the day after my last post heh yay for no explosions!
She's fitting better into her 0-3 month clothes!
She drools like no one's business!
She tries to put her whole fist in her mouth, which only gets drenched in her saliva.
She tries to put her whole fist in her mouth, which only gets drenched in her saliva.
Her cheeks are getting so chubby, they droop hahaha
She likes going out! Aka sleep when we're out haha
She'll sleep almost all through church, which is awesomeee
She can stand a couple minutes of tummy time and then she's done lol
She can also hold her head up now, for the most part heh
She can also hold her head up now, for the most part heh
There are times when I want time to go by a little faster...
but then I realize how fast it's really going and how quickly Leah is growing, and I want it to slow down just a little bit.
She doesn't look like a newborn anymore...
She's getting bigger and heavier... or I'm getting weaker (which is probably it)
This motherhood thing is a rollercoaster ride I tell ya
딸, 고생이 많네...그래도 리아 커가는거 보는게 큰 기쁨이다...홧팅!