Date Night!

This sounds bad, but we don't go on a whole lot of dates. You know.. the planned ones, where you go out and stuff? We're the type of people that just enjoy spending time together without going out, but a good date night doesn't hurt once in a while either! Nothing beats going to the temple and then going out to eat! The last time Justin and I went out to eat by ourselves was... I don't know... I can't remember... LOL I have to look at my calendar... 

Anyway... we went to Red Robins after the temple for a late 8pm dinner and it was delicioussss. I saved like a third of the burger because I got kind of full, and took another tray of those bottomless steak fries home ;) And that's the first thing we ate in the morning hahahha Leftovers are da BOMB! Seriously though... leftovers always seem to taste so much better.... or maybe that's just me.

Anywho, a couple hours later after getting home, my brothers, Jeongyeon unni & Hyuna unni came over to watch a Korean movie! It was one of those historical Korean movies where they talk weird... If Hyuna unni & Jeongyeon unni weren't translating half the time, I would've only understood like 5% of what they were actually saying hahahaha It was still entertaining, except for the part when I fell asleep for like 15 minutes..

As for Halloween... Justin and I didn't do anything... we are the Halloween grinches... one day we'll do something to celebrate Halloween... instead, we relaxed all day after Justin went to his lab early in the morning... and then went to the library at night. And this is how Justin was feeling about it.... hahahahaha Sorry Justin...
As for me, I actually enjoyed it because I watched the Clippers game and they wonnnn! And when the Clippers win, it's always a good night :)

I thought I could go a month without publicly declaring my love for Justin, but I can't. He's seriously the most thoughtful, patient, loving, hard working, etc etc etc. man ever! I don't know what I would do without him... He said he "married up" a few months ago on his Instagram post, but it was a lie. I'm the one who married up and my brothers would agree with me hahahaha

PS. Shout out to my macbook for not freezing and sounding like it's about to blow up. It made it through a whole blog post! I really need to get my macbook fixed... except it might cost like $400... ain't nobody got that kind of money!


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