Dating again

Happy happy Monday!

Twas a good, relaxing weekend and going to work isn't so bad, right? 
After one week of waking up earlier than I ever had for the past I don't know how many months, Friday night, Justin and I crashed at 10:30! My goodness, that was nice... hahaha 
Never thought I could sleep so early, but it's possible.. 
On Saturday, I went to a stake RS workshop where we learned about strengthening family & The Proclamation to the World. Then, Justin and I ate the lunch I got from the meeting and went to workout (leg daysss.. and I'm still feeling it), go to the library, and then watched the BYU vs. UCLA football game. Funnn... kind of. Goodness gracious.. BYU should've won, but it was a good game nonetheless. Only lost by one point. I never thought I could get so into football, but I guess if you have a team to cheer for, you can always get into it :)

Sunday, we went to church in the morning... getting out at 12:30 is always heavenly.. then we had some leftover enchiladas for lunch with Aaron and then relaxedddd. That's what Sundays are for, right?! I'm already loving the weekends 1000x more than before heh Sadly, I don't have any pictures. 

But about dating again. No, I'm not talking about dating Justin again, but dating other couples! Even though dating your spouse is something you still need after marriage. 
Last night, we went over to a couple's place for dinner. We met the couple once at our taco truck ward activity and they said they wanted to do this thing where they invited a couple to eat with them on Sundays. Suuuuper nice of them. And they made us chicken tikka masala and this super good yogurt drink called mango lassi, which looked something like this! So so good... 
Justin and I really enjoyed getting to know them and playing games with them, but the funniest part was that it felt like we were on a date with another couple! We were hoping there wouldn't be any awkward silences, we asked questions and talked about things we would talk about if it were just a one-on-one date, etc. I realized it's a lot easier to just stay with Justin, since we're married and all, than to make more friends, especially for me. I can definitely get outgoing and loud when playing sports and games, but I'm not outgoing at all when it comes to meeting new people. It's something I'm trying to work on, but making friends has never been a strong point for me hahaa
After the dinner, we went to stop by to hang out with some of Justin's SOAR friends and that was the total opposite. Everyone there was so outgoing and louddd lol Justin's not a total fan of being in crowded places with lots of people, but I enjoyed it more than I thought hahah

Once you're married, you think you don't need to go through the dating process anymore... Wronggg hahaha at least for me~ But here's to more... dating! With other couples lol 


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