Medium, please.

Maybe even medium rare.

I love food, but steak was never something I "craved." I didn't know why until Justin decided to serve me up a nice steak dinner for my birthday dinner several months back and a few weeks after that. It's because I always got it well done! Who do I have to blame for that? My health freak mother. I still love her.

When we would go to steakhouses she would never let us order steak with a stain of pink in it, which is why I only ordered ribs. So when Justin grilled some medium/medium rare steak, I fell in love. It's so juicy and good! Now, I crave it more often than I probably should, but I was craving it again on Friday, so that was our dinner. hehe Justin did the grilling, because he's a man and I made some twice-baked potatoes to go along with it! It was easy to make, but stinking good if I say so myself. No salad, because we're fat like that. Or, the salad went bad and didn't know until right before we ate. 
Cheeeeeeese..... my favorite.
Did I make you drool? I don't apologize.

That was probably the highlight of my weekend. We watched Edge of Tomorrow and that was good, too. A bunch of us went stargazing on Sunday night since the meteor shower was starting, but the moon was so dang bright that we couldn't really see anything. Plus it was cold and Justin was gone 90% of the time. Guilt trip. 

Did I mention I have a cool job and get to interview tall football players who make me look like a midget? 
And that's why I can't actually be a sports reporter. My neck hurts. 

And! Gene is going into the MTC tomorrow! Holy cow... I can't believe he's going on a mission. I won't see him for two years. I'll be 23 years young! Might drop a tear or two when we drop him off...


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